
WSUSエージェント wuauclt.exeのオプション


Q. Are there any undocumented command line switches for the Windows Auto Update Client?

A. Yes. As well as the switches /DetectNow and /ResetAuthorization, the following undocumented switches are also present:

    * /RunHandlerComServer
    * /RunStoreAsComServer
    * /ShowSettingsDialog
    * /ResetEulas
    * /DemoUI
    * /FastCountdown
    * /FakeData
    * /FakeReboot
    * /SkipEulas

A2. Version 3 brought about a different set of switches, listed and commented as shown:

    * /DetectNow     - Causes the client to communicate to the server, report to come in after
    * /ReportNow     - Causes the client to report status to the server
    * /RunHandlerComServer     - ?
    * /RunStoreAsComServer    - ?
    * /ShowSettingsDialog    - shows setting dialog for time and auto-installation
    * /ResetAuthorization   - resets keys for reporting with the server
    * /ResetEulas   - ?
    * /ShowWU   - shows windows update page
    * /ShowWindowsUpdate     - shows windows update page
    * /CloseWindowsUpdate   - closes windows update page?
    * /SelfUpdateManaged     - ?
    * /SelfUpdateUnmanaged     - ?
    * /UpdateNow     - ?
    * /DemoUI - shows balloon in corner and offers settings dialog when clicked.

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