これまでは, Management studioからRTPでデータを取り出して, RTPをCSVに変換するスクリプトを使っていたが, めんどくさくなったので, スクリプト化.
use strict; use utf8; use POSIX; #print setlocale(LC_ALL); setlocale(LC_ALL, 'Japanese_Japan.932'); #print setlocale(LC_ALL); sub get_fields($){ my $type = shift @_; my @out; @out = split /,/, "updateID,LegacyName,Title,Description,Category,KBArticleID,SecurityBulletinID,MoreInfoURL,RevisionID,SupersedeUpdateCount,SupersededUpdateCount"; return \@out if $type eq "all_patches"; @out = split /,/, "EventInstanceID,EventID,TimeAtTarget,TimeAtServer,StateID,SeverityID,MessageTemplate,ReplacementStringsXml,TargetID,ComputerID,LastSyncTime,LastReportedStatusTime,LastReportedRebootTime,IPAddress,FullDomainName,updateID,Title,Category,KBArticleID,SecurityBulletinID"; return \@out if $type eq "error_patches"; @out = split /,/, "TargetGroupID,TargetID,IsExplicitMember,TargetID,ComputerID,SID,LastSyncTime,LastReportedStatusTime,LastReportedRebootTime,IPAddress,FullDomainName,IsRegistered,LastInventoryTime,LastNameChangeTime,EffectiveLastDetectionTime,ParentServerTargetID,LastSyncResult,TargetGroupTypeID,Name,Description,TargetGroupID,OrderValue,IsBuiltin,ParentGroupID,GroupPriority"; return \@out if $type eq "host_groups"; @out = split /,/, "TargetID,ComputerID,SID,LastSyncTime,LastReportedStatusTime,LastReportedRebootTime,IPAddress,FullDomainName,IsRegistered,LastInventoryTime,LastNameChangeTime,EffectiveLastDetectionTime,ParentServerTargetID,LastSyncResult,TargetID,OSMajorVersion,OSMinorVersion,OSBuildNumber,OSServicePackMajorNumber,OSServicePackMinorNumber,OSLocale,ComputerMake,ComputerModel,BiosVersion,BiosName,BiosReleaseDate,ProcessorArchitecture,LastStatusRollupTime,LastReceivedStatusRollupNumber,LastSentStatusRollupNumber,SamplingValue,CreatedTime,SuiteMask,OldProductType,NewProductType,SystemMetrics,ClientVersion,TargetGroupMembershipChanged,OSFamily,OSDescription"; return \@out if $type eq "hosts"; @out = split /,/, "targetID,FullDomainName,IPAddress,category,Title,SummarizationState,LastReportedStatusTime,SecurityBulletinID,KBArticleID,updateID,RevisionID,SupersedeUpdateCount,SupersededUpdateCount"; return \@out if $type eq "needed_patches"; @out = split /,/, "UpdateApprovalId,UpdateID,ComputerTargetGroupId,Title,GroupName,Action,Deadline,CreationDate,AdministratorName,IsOptional,IsStale"; return \@out if $type eq "patch_approvals"; return undef; } sub get_sql($){ my $type = shift @_; return qq{ SELECT RevisionID, COUNT(SupersededUpdateID) AS counter INTO #X1 FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbRevisionSupersedesUpdate GROUP BY RevisionID; SELECT COUNT(RevisionID) AS counter, SupersededUpdateID INTO #Y1 FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbRevisionSupersedesUpdate GROUP BY SupersededUpdateID; SELECT B.updateID, B.LegacyName, A.Title, A.Description, D.Title AS Category, F.KBArticleID, G.SecurityBulletinID, H.MoreInfoURL, A.RevisionID, #X1.counter AS SupersedeUpdateCount, #Y1.counter AS SupersededUpdateCount FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbPreComputedLocalizedProperty A INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbUpdate B ON A.UpdateID = B.UpdateID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbRevisionInCategory C ON A.RevisionID = C.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbPrecomputedCategoryLocalizedProperty D ON C.CategoryID = D.CategoryID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbRevision E on E.localUpdateID = B.localUpdateID LEFT JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbKBArticleForRevision F ON F.RevisionID = E.RevisionID LEFT JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbSecurityBulletinForRevision G ON G.RevisionID = E.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbMoreInfoURLForRevision H ON H.RevisionID = E.RevisionID LEFT JOIN #X1 ON A.RevisionID = #X1.RevisionID LEFT JOIN #Y1 ON B.updateID = #Y1.SupersededUpdateID WHERE A.ShortLanguage = 'en' AND D.CategoryType = 'UpdateClassification' AND D.ShortLanguage = 'en' AND E.islatestRevision = 'True' AND H.ShortLanguage = 'en' ORDER BY G.SecurityBulletinID } if ($type eq 'all_patches'); return qq{ SELECT B.updateID, B.LegacyName, A.Title, A.Description, D.Title AS Category, F.KBArticleID, G.SecurityBulletinID, H.MoreInfoURL, A.RevisionID INTO #X1 FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbPreComputedLocalizedProperty A INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbUpdate B ON A.UpdateID = B.UpdateID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbRevisionInCategory C ON A.RevisionID = C.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbPrecomputedCategoryLocalizedProperty D ON C.CategoryID = D.CategoryID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbRevision E on E.localUpdateID = B.localUpdateID LEFT JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbKBArticleForRevision F ON F.RevisionID = E.RevisionID LEFT JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbSecurityBulletinForRevision G ON G.RevisionID = E.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbMoreInfoURLForRevision H ON H.RevisionID = E.RevisionID WHERE A.ShortLanguage = 'en' AND D.CategoryType = 'UpdateClassification' AND D.ShortLanguage = 'en' AND E.islatestRevision = 'True' AND H.ShortLanguage = 'en' ORDER BY G.SecurityBulletinID SELECT distinct B.ComputerID, D.updateID INTO #X2 FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbUpdateStatusPerComputer A INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbComputerTarget B ON A.targetID = B.targetID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbUpdate D ON A.LocalUpdateID = D.LocalUpdateID WHERE A.SummarizationState = 5 SELECT E.EventInstanceID, E.EventID, E.TimeAtTarget, E.TimeAtServer, E.StateID, E.SeverityID, E.MessageTemplate, E.ReplacementStringsXml, C.TargetID, C.ComputerID, C.LastSyncTime, C.LastReportedStatusTime, C.LastReportedRebootTime, C.IPAddress, C.FullDomainName, U.updateID, U.Title, U.Category, U.KBArticleID, U.SecurityBulletinID FROM SUSDB.dbo.vwEventHistory E INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbComputerTarget C ON E.ComputerID = C.ComputerID INNER JOIN #X1 U ON E.updateID = U.updateID WHERE eventID in (161, 163, 182, 185, 186, 192, 195, 198, 364) AND E.ComputerID IN (SELECT ComputerID FROM #X2) AND E.updateID IN (SELECT updateID FROM #X2) AND E.TimeAtServer = (SELECT MAX(TimeAtServer) FROM SUSDB.dbo.vwEventHistory E2 WHERE E.updateID = E2.updateID AND E.ComputerID = E2.ComputerID) } if ($type eq 'error_patches'); return qq{ select A.*, B.*, C.* from SUSDB.dbo.tbTargetInTargetGroup as A INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbComputerTarget B ON A.targetID = B.targetID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbTargetGroup C ON A.TargetGroupID = C.TargetGroupID ; } if ($type eq 'host_groups'); return qq{ SELECT distinct C.*, D.* FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbTargetGroup A LEFT OUTER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbTargetInTargetGroup B ON B.TargetGroupID = A.TargetGroupID RIGHT OUTER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbComputerTarget C ON B.TargetID = C.TargetID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbComputerTargetDetail D ON C.TargetID = D.TargetID } if ($type eq 'hosts'); return qq{ SELECT RevisionID, COUNT(SupersededUpdateID) AS counter INTO #X1 FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbRevisionSupersedesUpdate GROUP BY RevisionID; SELECT COUNT(RevisionID) AS counter, SupersededUpdateID INTO #Y1 FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbRevisionSupersedesUpdate GROUP BY SupersededUpdateID; SELECT distinct B.targetID, B.FullDomainName, B.IPAddress, H.Title AS category, C.Title, A.SummarizationState, B.LastReportedStatusTime, F.SecurityBulletinID, I.KBArticleID, D.updateID, E.RevisionID, #X1.counter AS SupersedeUpdateCount, #Y1.counter AS SupersededUpdateCount FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbUpdateStatusPerComputer A INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbComputerTarget B ON A.targetID = B.targetID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbUpdate D ON A.LocalUpdateID = D.LocalUpdateID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbPreComputedLocalizedProperty C ON C.updateID = D.updateID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbRevision E ON D.localUpdateID = E.localUpdateID LEFT OUTER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbSecurityBulletinForRevision F ON E.RevisionID = F.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbRevisionInCategory G ON E.RevisionID = G.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbPrecomputedCategoryLocalizedProperty H ON G.CategoryID = H.CategoryID LEFT OUTER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbKBArticleForRevision I ON E.RevisionID = I.RevisionID LEFT JOIN #X1 ON E.RevisionID = #X1.RevisionID LEFT JOIN #Y1 ON D.updateID = #Y1.SupersededUpdateID WHERE (H.ShortLanguage = 'en') AND (C.ShortLanguage = 'en') AND (H.CategoryType = 'UpdateClassification') AND (NOT (A.SummarizationState IN (1, 4))); } if ($type eq 'needed_patches'); return qq{ SELECT distinct d.DeploymentGuid AS UpdateApprovalId, u.UpdateID, d.TargetGroupID AS ComputerTargetGroupId, C.Title, g.Name as GroupName, (CASE d .ActionID WHEN 0 THEN N'Install' WHEN 1 THEN N'Uninstall' WHEN 2 THEN N'NotApproved' WHEN 3 THEN N'NotApproved' ELSE NULL END) AS Action, d.Deadline, d.DeploymentTime AS CreationDate, d.AdminName AS AdministratorName, ~ d.IsAssigned AS IsOptional, ~ r.IsLatestRevision AS IsStale FROM SUSDB.dbo.tbUpdate AS u INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbRevision AS r ON u.LocalUpdateID = r.LocalUpdateID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbProperty AS p ON r.RevisionID = p.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbDeployment AS d ON d.RevisionID = r.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbPreComputedLocalizedProperty AS C ON C.updateID = u.updateID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbTargetGroup AS g ON d.TargetGroupID = g.TargetGroupID LEFT OUTER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbSecurityBulletinForRevision AS b ON r.RevisionID = b.RevisionID LEFT OUTER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbKBArticleForRevision AS k ON r.RevisionID = k.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbRevisionInCategory AS rc ON r.RevisionID = rc.RevisionID INNER JOIN SUSDB.dbo.tbPrecomputedCategoryLocalizedProperty AS cl ON rc.CategoryID = cl.CategoryID WHERE ((p.ExplicitlyDeployable = 1) AND (d.TargetGroupTypeID = 0) AND (d.ActionID IN (0, 1, 3)) OR (p.ExplicitlyDeployable = 1) AND (d.TargetGroupTypeID = 0) AND (d.ActionID = 2) AND (d.TargetGroupID <> (select TargetGroupID from SUSDB.dbo.tbTargetGroup where Name = 'All Computers'))) AND (C.ShortLanguage = 'en') AND(cl.ShortLanguage = 'en') AND (cl.CategoryType = 'UpdateClassification') } if ($type eq 'patch_approvals'); return 1; } sub get_TimeField ($){ my @fields = @{shift @_}; my %output; foreach my $i (@fields){ if ($i =~ m/time/io || $i =~ m/BiosReleaseDate/o || $i =~ m/CreationDate/o){ $output{$i} = 1 }else{ $output{$i} = 0; } } return \%output; } sub convert_time ($){ my $init_str = shift; return "" if ($init_str =~ /^\s*$/); my @data = split / /, $init_str; my @date = split /\//, $data[0]; my @time = split /:/, $data[1]; $time[0] = 0 if ($time[0]==12); $time[0] += 12 if $data[2] eq 'PM'; return sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", $date[2], $date[0], $date[1], @time); } use Win32::OLE; # datetime型のデータが文字列で取得できる。 use Win32::OLE::variant; # 指定タイプライブラリのコンスタントが参照可能 use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library'; use Win32::OLE::NLS qw(:DEFAULT :LANG :SUBLANG :DATE :TIME); # エラー時に本処理を中止し、Perlがエラーメッセージを出力し、本プロセスが終了する。 Win32::OLE->Option(Warn => 3); use Encode; my $usage = qq{WSUS report retrieval tool. Usage: $0 [Options] Options: -A Retrieve all supported reports. (Same as "-a -e -g -h -n -p") -a List of all patches. -e Error patch list. -g Hosts list with their group name. -h host list. -n List of patches need to be applied. -p Approval Status report. -H Show this message. -P Prefix for output filename. The output filename will be set as below. -a: <prefix>all_patches_yyyymmdd-HHMM.csv -e: <prefix>error_patches_yyyymmdd-HHMM.csv -g: <prefix>host_groups_yyyymmdd-HHMM.csv -h: <prefix>hosts_yyyymmdd-HHMM.csv -n: <prefix>needed_patches_yyyymmdd-HHMM.csv -p: <prefix>patch_approvals_yyyymmdd-HHMM.csv }; die $usage if ( $#ARGV < 0 ); use Getopt::Std; use vars qw($opt_A $opt_a $opt_e $opt_g $opt_h $opt_n $opt_p $opt_H $opt_P); getopts('AaeghnpHP:') or die $usage; die $usage if $opt_H; die $usage if ( $#ARGV != -1 ); if ($opt_A){ $opt_a = 1; $opt_e = 1; $opt_g = 1; $opt_h = 1; $opt_n = 1; $opt_p = 1; } my %requests; $requests{all_patches} = 1 if ($opt_a); $requests{error_patches} = 1 if ($opt_e); $requests{host_groups} = 1 if ($opt_g); $requests{hosts} = 1 if ($opt_h); $requests{needed_patches} = 1 if ($opt_n); $requests{patch_approvals} = 1 if ($opt_p); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) = localtime(); #秒 分 時 日 月 年 曜日 年初か 夏時間を # らの 適用して # 経過日 いるか $year += 1900; # localtime関数からは1900年から数えた年が返却される。 $mon++; # 月は0から始まるので、表示するときは1を加える。 my @day_of_week = qw( 日 月 火 水 木 金 土 ); # 日曜日は0になります。 my $date_str=sprintf("%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d", $year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min); $opt_P = '' if (! $opt_P); my %filenames; $filenames{all_patches} = $opt_P . "all_patches_${date_str}.csv"; $filenames{error_patches} = $opt_P . "error_patches_${date_str}.csv"; $filenames{host_groups} = $opt_P . "host_groups_${date_str}.csv"; $filenames{hosts} = $opt_P . "hosts_${date_str}.csv"; $filenames{needed_patches} = $opt_P . "needed_patches_${date_str}.csv"; $filenames{patch_approvals} = $opt_P . "patch_approvals_${date_str}.csv"; # DBサーバー名とDB名設定 my $server = 'np:\\\\.\pipe\mssql$microsoft##ssee\sql\query'; my $db = 'SUSDB'; # WINDOWS 認証設定 my $connStr = "Provider=sqloledb;". "Data Source=$server;". "Initial Catalog=$db;". "Integrated Security=SSPI;"; #print "$connStr\n"; # SQL Server 認証設定 #my $id = "testid"; #my $ps = "testps"; #my $connStr = "Provider=sqloledb;". # "Data Source=$server;". # "Initial Catalog=$db;". # "User ID=$id;". # "Password=$ps;"; # DB接続 my $objDB = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Connection"); $objDB->Open($connStr); $objDB->{Errors}->{Count} and die "cannot connect '$connStr'"; # テーブル有無チェック my $rs = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Recordset"); $rs->Open("Select count(*) existance From sysobjects Where NAME = 'tbUpdate'", $objDB); if ($rs->{existance}->{Value} == 0) { die "Accessing DB is not for WSUS."; } $rs->Close(); $objDB->Close(); foreach my $type (keys %requests){ print "Extracting to " . $filenames{$type} . "\n"; print "$type:\t"; $objDB->Open($connStr); $objDB->{Errors}->{Count} and die "cannot connect '$connStr'"; open OUTFILE, ">:utf8", $filenames{$type} or die "cannot open ".$filenames{$type}; # データ読み出し $rs = Win32::OLE->new("ADODB.Recordset"); $rs->{CursorLocation} = adUseClient; my $sql_statement = qq{ SET NOCOUNT ON; SET DATEFORMAT mdy } . get_sql($type) . ";"; #print $sql_statement . "\n"; $rs->Open($sql_statement, $objDB); my @Fields = @{get_fields ($type)}; my %isTime = %{get_TimeField (\@Fields)}; print OUTFILE join ',', map {(s/"/""/g or /[\x0d\x0a,]/) ? qq("$_") : $_} @Fields; print OUTFILE "\x0a"; my $counter = 0; my $counter_length = 0; $| = 1; if ($type ne 'error_patches'){ while(!$rs->EOF and $rs->{RecordCount} != 0){ $counter++; if ($counter % 100 == 0){ print "\b" x $counter_length; $counter_length = length $counter; print $counter; } my @items = (); foreach my $field (@Fields){ my $item =$rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}; $item =~ s/^\s*//gmo; $item =~ s/\s*$//gmo; if ($isTime{$field}){ if (ref( $rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}) eq "Win32::OLE::Variant"){ $item = $rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}->Date("yyyy/MM/dd") . " " . $rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}->Time("hh:mm:ss"); }else{ $item = convert_time ($rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}); } } push @items, $item; } print OUTFILE join ',', map {(s/"/""/g or /[\x0d\x0a,]/) ? qq("$_") : $_} @items; print OUTFILE "\x0a"; $rs->MoveNext(); } }else{ while(!$rs->EOF and $rs->{RecordCount} != 0){ $counter++; if ($counter % 100 == 0){ print "\b" x $counter_length; $counter_length = length $counter; print $counter; } my @items = (); my $i = -1; foreach my $field (@Fields){ $i++; my $item = $rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}; $item =~ s/^\s*//gmo; $item =~ s/\s*$//gmo; if ($i == 7){ my @tmp = split /\n/, $item; $tmp[2] =~ s/^\s*<string>(.*)<\/string>.*$/\1/go; $item = $tmp[2]; } if ($isTime{$field}){ if (ref( $rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}) eq "Win32::OLE::Variant"){ $item = $rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}->Date("yyyy/MM/dd") . " " . $rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}->Time("hh:mm:ss"); }else{ $item = convert_time ($rs->{Fields}->{$field}->{Value}); } } push @items, $item; } print OUTFILE join ',', map {(s/"/""/g or /[\x0d\x0a,]/) ? qq("$_") : $_} @items; print OUTFILE "\x0a"; $rs->MoveNext(); } } print "\b" x $counter_length; print $counter , " records found.\n\n"; $rs->Close(); # DB切断 $objDB->Close(); }
Perl2Exe (http://www.indigostar.com)でexe化できる.
.\WSUS_report.exe -A -P .\reports\server_これで, reportsフォルダの下にserver_****.csvという出力が出てくる.
参考までに, RTPをCSVに変換するときに使っていたスクリプト
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; #require 'unicore/lib/gc_sc/Digit.pl'; #perl2exe (use -p2x_test switch to debug .exe file.) #require 'unicore/lib/gc_sc/SpacePer.pl'; #perl2exe (use -p2x_test switch to debug .exe file.) #use PerlIO; #perl2exe (use -p2x_test switch to debug .exe file.) #use PerlIO::via; #perl2exe (use -p2x_test switch to debug .exe file.) #use Encode; #perl2exe (use -p2x_test switch to debug .exe file.) #use Encode::Unicode; #perl2exe (use -p2x_test switch to debug .exe file.) use utf8; use File::BOM qw/open_bom/; my $usage = qq{Format converter for WSUS DB. Convert RPT format to CSV. Usage: $0 [Options] <rpt file=""> Options: -E Parse error comments -h Show this message. -o Output file name. output filename is <rpt file="">.csv unless -o is specified. }; use Getopt::Std; use vars qw($opt_E $opt_h $opt_o); getopts('o:Eh') or die $usage; die $usage if $opt_h; die $usage if ( $#ARGV < 0 ); my $filename = $ARGV[0]; my $outfilename = $filename; $outfilename =~ s/\.rpt$/.csv/i; $outfilename = $opt_o if $opt_o; open INFILE, "<:via cannot="" die="" filename="" ile::bom="" open="" or="" outfile="">:utf8", $outfilename or die "cannot open $outfilename"; $/ = "\r\n"; print "$filename:\t"; my $titleline = <infile>; while ($titleline =~ m/^\s*$/ || $titleline =~ m/^\(/){ $titleline = <infile>; } chomp $titleline; my $lengthline = <infile>; chomp $lengthline; my @length_tmp = split / /, $lengthline; $lengthline = undef; my @length; for (my $i=0; $i <= $#length_tmp; $i++){ $length[$i] = length $length_tmp[$i]; } print OUTFILE txt2csv($titleline) , "\r\n"; $titleline = undef; my $counter = 0; my $counter_length = 0; $| = 1; if ($opt_E){ while (<infile>){ $counter++; chomp $_; print OUTFILE err_txt2csv($_) , "\r\n"; if ($counter % 100 == 0){ print "\b" x $counter_length; $counter_length = length $counter; print $counter; } } }else{ while (<infile>){ $counter++; chomp $_; print OUTFILE txt2csv($_) , "\r\n"; if ($counter % 100 == 0){ print "\b" x $counter_length; $counter_length = length $counter; print $counter; } } } print "\b" x $counter_length; print $counter , "\n"; close INFILE; close OUTFILE; exit; sub txt2csv($){ my $line = shift @_; my @items = (); my $str = undef; for (my $i=0; $i <= $#length; $i++){ $str = substr($line, 0, $length[$i]); substr($line, 0, $length[$i]+1) = ""; $str =~ s/^\s*//go; $str =~ s/\s*$//go; push @items, $str; } return join ',', map {(s/"/""/g or /[\r\n,]/) ? qq("$_") : $_} @items; } sub err_txt2csv($){ my $line = shift @_; my @items = (); my $str = undef; for (my $i=0; $i <= $#length; $i++){ $str = substr($line, 0, $length[$i]); substr($line, 0, $length[$i]+1) = ""; $str =~ s/^\s*//go; $str =~ s/\s*$//go; if ($i == 7){ my @tmp = split /\n/, $str; $tmp[2] =~ s/^\s*<string>(.*)<\/string>.*$/\1/go; $str = $tmp[2]; } push @items, $str; } return join ',', map {(s/"/""/g or /[\r\n,]/) ? qq("$_") : $_} @items; }
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