git clone
cd vim/src make -f Make_cyg.mak OLE=yes STATIC_STDCPLUS=yes FEATURES=HUGE CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-w64-mingw32- DIRECTX=yes
cd ../ mkdir vim82 cp -a runtime/* vim82/ cp -a src/*.exe vim82/ cp -a src/tee/tee.exe vim82/ cp -a src/xxd/xxd.exe vim82/ mkdir vim82/GvimExt32 mkdir vim82/GvimExt64 cp -a src/GvimExt/gvimext.dll vim82/GvimExt64/
libiconv、libintlを準備 から、ファイル名にsharedという単語のあるzipファイルを入手する。 今回は64ビットでコンパイルされているので、64ビット版だけで良い。
vim82\ | libintl-8.dll (gvim.exeと同じビット数版。今回は64ビット版) | libiconv-2.dll (gvim.exeと同じビット数版。今回は64ビット版) | libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll (32ビット版gvim.exeの場合のみ必要。32ビット版) | + GvimExt32\ | libintl-8.dll (32ビット版) | libiconv-2.dll (32ビット版) | libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll (32ビット版) | ` GvimExt64\ libintl-8.dll (64ビット版) libiconv-2.dll (64ビット版)
vim82をインストールしたいフォルダ(例 C:\Program Files\Vim)に移動する。
コマンド・プロンプトを(必要に応じて管理者権限で)開き、vim82フォルダ(この例ではC:\Program Files\Vim\vim82)にあるinstall.exeを実行する。
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files\Vim\vim82\install.exe" This program sets up the installation of Vim 8.2 Inspecting system... Install will do for you: 1 Install .bat files to use Vim at the command line: 3 Create C:\WINDOWS\gvim.bat 4 Create C:\WINDOWS\evim.bat 6 Create C:\WINDOWS\gview.bat 8 Create C:\WINDOWS\gvimdiff.bat 10 Do NOT change startup file C:\Program Files\Vim\_vimrc 14 Install an entry for Vim in the popup menu for the right mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim 15 Add Vim to the "Open With..." list in the popup menu for the right mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim 16 Add Vim to the Start menu 17 Create a desktop icon for gVim 18 Create a desktop icon for gVim Easy 19 Create a desktop icon for gVim Read-only 20 Do NOT create plugin directories To change an item, enter its number Enter item number, h (help), d (do it) or q (quit): 17 Install will do for you: 1 Install .bat files to use Vim at the command line: 3 Create C:\WINDOWS\gvim.bat 4 Create C:\WINDOWS\evim.bat 6 Create C:\WINDOWS\gview.bat 8 Create C:\WINDOWS\gvimdiff.bat 10 Do NOT change startup file C:\Program Files\Vim\_vimrc 14 Install an entry for Vim in the popup menu for the right mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim 15 Add Vim to the "Open With..." list in the popup menu for the right mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim 16 Add Vim to the Start menu 17 Do NOT create a desktop icon for gVim 18 Create a desktop icon for gVim Easy 19 Create a desktop icon for gVim Read-only 20 Do NOT create plugin directories To change an item, enter its number Enter item number, h (help), d (do it) or q (quit): 18 Install will do for you: 1 Install .bat files to use Vim at the command line: 3 Create C:\WINDOWS\gvim.bat 4 Create C:\WINDOWS\evim.bat 6 Create C:\WINDOWS\gview.bat 8 Create C:\WINDOWS\gvimdiff.bat 10 Do NOT change startup file C:\Program Files\Vim\_vimrc 14 Install an entry for Vim in the popup menu for the right mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim 15 Add Vim to the "Open With..." list in the popup menu for the right mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim 16 Add Vim to the Start menu 17 Do NOT create a desktop icon for gVim 18 Do NOT create a desktop icon for gVim Easy 19 Create a desktop icon for gVim Read-only 20 Do NOT create plugin directories To change an item, enter its number Enter item number, h (help), d (do it) or q (quit): 19 Install will do for you: 1 Install .bat files to use Vim at the command line: 3 Create C:\WINDOWS\gvim.bat 4 Create C:\WINDOWS\evim.bat 6 Create C:\WINDOWS\gview.bat 8 Create C:\WINDOWS\gvimdiff.bat 10 Do NOT change startup file C:\Program Files\Vim\_vimrc 14 Install an entry for Vim in the popup menu for the right mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim 15 Add Vim to the "Open With..." list in the popup menu for the right mouse button so that you can edit any file with Vim 16 Add Vim to the Start menu 17 Do NOT create a desktop icon for gVim 18 Do NOT create a desktop icon for gVim Easy 19 Do NOT create a desktop icon for gVim Read-only 20 Do NOT create plugin directories To change an item, enter its number Enter item number, h (help), d (do it) or q (quit): d C:\WINDOWS\gvim.bat has been created C:\WINDOWS\evim.bat has been created C:\WINDOWS\gview.bat has been created C:\WINDOWS\gvimdiff.bat has been created Creating start menu Creating "Edit with Vim" popup menu entry Creating "Open with ..." list entry Creating an uninstall entry --- Attempting to register Vim with OLE --- (There is no message whether this works or not.) That finishes the installation. Happy Vimming! C:\WINDOWS\system32>
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